Project Gallery

128 Hindley Street Design & Construct


The 128 Hindley Street Landlord Works featured a multitude of upgrades to base building elements of a previous cinema complex highlighted by installation of a new lift across five levels in preparation for conversion to a rock-climbing facility. Building modifications included significant blockwork removals to modify usable spaces, creation of new floor areas and renovation of toilet amenities. The new lift shaft was structural steel clad with fire rated plasterboard, which was craned through an opening make in the roof. Engaged under a flexible head contract arrangement, Mykra mobilised to site on short notice and adapted the scope as the documents and engineering progressed. The team had access to some existing building drawings, but it was soon apparent these weren’t matching what was onsite. Extensive dilapidation reporting, existing building 3D surveying and destructive investigation to identify and locate structural elements were arranged early in the project to aid the design process. Access and construction methodologies were very challenging with unique and creative solutions managed by Mykra throughout the project, these include: A 1.4m deep lift pit with 600mm thick pad and 3 stages of underpinning. A 50m2 opening was created in the roof with temporary removal of a 460UB67 roof beam and propped with RMD Slimshor props. Removal of suspended slabs on Levels 4 and 5, with specialist subcontractors engaged to establish gantries to lower the cut sections down the 15m shaft.Cut and removal of a 610UB113 floor beam and staged installation of a 250UC89 transfer beam. Needle and propping using 150UC and Superslim Soldiers to remove a large opening in blockwork propped 5m above floor level. Mykra’s collaborative approach, communication and management throughout a challenging renovation project was highly praised by the stakeholders and has led to further engagement on fitout works for a Jetts Gym and Urban Climb fitout works within this building.

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Forza Capital