Project Gallery

Hindmarsh Bowden Health (Jupiter 5)


Project Scope: Hindmarsh Bowden Health (Jupiter 5)

Jupiter 5 is the medical centre located on Port Road Hindmarsh. The ‘5’ represent the 5 doctors that went into partnership to finance this development. The intention was to write the recipe on this project and then reproduce it multiple times. The Medical Centre is a 2-story precast concrete and structural steel building. To the rear, the building sails over the under-croft carpark with a suspended concrete slab supporting the first floor. The external cladding comprises of cement sheeting and metal. The medical centre occupies the top floor, and the ground floor is occupied by complementary tenancies such as dentists and chemists.

The major challenge on this build was space as the location of this project is very close to the Port Road and South Road intersection. During construction, major road works were occurring to construct the under pass. This restricted traffic movements into and out of our site. Steel and Precast had to work its way out of the corner and crane sizes where increased to deal with the restricted site. The entire Western boundary was constructed of two-story precast panels, we needed to negotiate access from the adjacent hotel carpark, requiring us to work around their peak carpark usage times. The front canopy cantilevered over the footpath, this required us to work with council to obtain the necessary permits while maintaining a safe passage for passing pedestrians.

The usual time related issues were the main challenge on this project. Fortunately, Mykra’s years of experience and vast pool of suitable contractors, enabled us to deliver this project on time, to another very satisfied customer.

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